Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Computers (JCP) Année : 2013

Identifying Objective True/False from Subjective Yes/No Semantic based on OWA and CWA


Distinguishing objective(OBJ) semantic from subjective(SUBJ) semantic is essential to information processing of either explicit design formalization or implicit natural language(NL) communication of projects' implementation. We summarized our past experience of solutions for semantic knowledge management projects. An adopted hypothesis is that among the tremendous and rapid increasing information, there is a relative stable core which can map/relate to every specific piece of information uniformly starting from the discussion on existence and conceptualization. The mapping will result in an expansion formalization based on open world assumption (OWA) and closed world assumption (CWA). This formalization can be widely applied for guiding semantic formalization and validation. We show initial applications on transformations from SUBJ to OBJ, etc.
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hal-00927476 , version 1 (13-01-2014)



Duan Yucong, Christophe Cruz, Christophe Nicolle. Identifying Objective True/False from Subjective Yes/No Semantic based on OWA and CWA. Journal of Computers (JCP), 2013, Vol 8 (No 7 (2013)), pp.1847-1852. ⟨10.4304/jcp.8.7.1847-1852⟩. ⟨hal-00927476⟩
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