Ouvrages Année : 2022

The Dynamics of Marginalized Youth: Not in Education, Employment, or Training Around the World


This book studies young people that are not in education, employment, or training (NEETs); a prime concern among policy makers. Moving past common interpretations of NEETs as a homogeneous group, it asks why some youth become NEET whereas other do not. The authors analyse diverse school-to-work patterns of young NEETs in five typical countries, and investigate the role of individual characteristics, countries’ institutions and policies, and their complex interplay. Readers will come to understand youth marginalization as a process that may occur during the transition from school, vocational college, or university, to work. By studying longitudinal analyses of processes and transitions, readers will gain the crucial insight that NEETs are not equally vulnerable, and that most NEETs will find their way back to the labour market. However, they will also see that in all countries, a group of long-term NEETs exists. These exceptionally vulnerable young people are side-lined from society and the labour market. The country cases and cross-national studies illustrate that policies intended to help long-term NEETs to find their way in society are very limited. The book provides useful theoretical and empirical insights for scholars interested in the school-to-work transition and marginalized youth. It also provides helpful insights in vulnerability to policy makers who aim to combat youth marginalisation.

Dates et versions

hal-03630540 , version 1 (05-04-2022)



Mark Levels, Christian Brzinsky-Fay, Craig Holmes, Janine Jongbloed, Hirofumi Taki. The Dynamics of Marginalized Youth: Not in Education, Employment, or Training Around the World. Routledge, 2022, 978-0-367-56156-7. ⟨10.4324/9781003096658⟩. ⟨hal-03630540⟩
69 Consultations
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